you go to pastoria city and go down the beach go to the right and follow the path round to the hotel go through it and you find your self near the hotel rooms outside don't go into the rooms just go down the steps follow the road to sunny shore city w witch is now open get to sunny shore city and battle the gym leader then go out of the gym and use surf on the water when you get to the water fall use the move thet you got from the gym leader go into victory road come out the other side go over the waterfall andyou see the Pokemon league castle go in and your friend comes along bettle him and go to the lady she checks all your badges and lets you in then you must battle the elite4
thanks but earlier today i figured it out lol
after you defeat Cyrus you can battle dialga then you battle the three lake Pokemon and move on to sunnyshore city. then you go on to defeat the elite 4.
dialga bring about fifty or more pokeballs weaken it till it's hp is yellow/red but DON'T DEFEAT IT!!!!, p.s you find dialga at spear piller when you defeat Cyrus, trainer's note. you can only catch dialga on diamond. you can only catch palkia on pearl. you can catch dialga palkia/AND GARITINA!, i have platinum and caught all of then so i know post a question about how to get garitina on Pokemon DIAMOND! Actually in Diamond and Pearl u just need the Master Ball that Cyrus Gave you beforehand!
you have two you want to continue without capture the legendary Pokemon or you load back the game before you fight uxie i hope this will help
You go to the Spear Pillar in the top of mount. Coronet and either catch or defeat Dialga in diamond and palkia in pearl then when you go back the water will be back PS. I suggest you catch Dialga/Palkia Maybe use a master ballwell 2 be honest i don't really know but it could be outside the place u catch girintina
when you defeat the Pokemon league and get your national pokedex.
you need to go to the spear pillar and defeat/capture your game charecter(dialga/palika/giritina) and then the man will disappear
To turn on the power you must go to spear pillar which is on the top of mount coronet and save the 3 legendary Pokemon from the lakes then you must either catch or defeat dialga and the power will be turned back on.
Go to Spear Pillar then you and your friend will have to battle the two cammandors and after you defeat them you battle Sirus, the Galactic boss after you defeat him you can now catch dialga
you go to spear pillar to catch dialga/palkia
You must confront Cyrus and the team galactic grunts at the spear pillar. The player must also defeat or capture Dialga or Palkia. This will open the way to Sunyshore City.
after you defeat Cyrus you can battle dialga then you battle the three lake Pokemon and move on to sunnyshore city. then you go on to defeat the elite 4.
Defeat Team Galactic on Mt. Coronet and either defeat, capture or run from Dialga (Diamond), Palkia (Pearl) or Giratina (Platinum).
I think you meant DIALGA. And yes, you have to defeat them to capture this pokemon. It is found at the spear piller. Dont forget to re-enter to get palkia ;)
dialga bring about fifty or more pokeballs weaken it till it's hp is yellow/red but DON'T DEFEAT IT!!!!, p.s you find dialga at spear piller when you defeat Cyrus, trainer's note. you can only catch dialga on diamond. you can only catch palkia on pearl. you can catch dialga palkia/AND GARITINA!, i have platinum and caught all of then so i know post a question about how to get garitina on Pokemon DIAMOND! Actually in Diamond and Pearl u just need the Master Ball that Cyrus Gave you beforehand!
you will first have to battle team galactic at canalave city. once you defeat them you will be able to catch dialgain Pokemon diamond or palkia in Pokemon pearl, this event goes along the game so you have to catch him in order to advance in the game.Also that is the only time you can catch him!!!!!!!!!!first you will have to battle team galactic in Canalave city after that you will be able to catch dialga in Pokemon diamond or palkia in Pokemon pearl, catching dialga goes along with the storie(you can also make him faint)you have to catch dialga or defeat him in order to advance in the game.
You have to go to spear pillar and catch or defeat Palkia/Dialga.
beat Candice, defeat Cyrus in vielstone then go to mt. coronet in diamond only