Go to Saffron City by giving the guard the tea you obtained from the old lady in the mansion. Then go into Silph Co.
you go to the 4th gym leader. her name is erika. her strongest Pokemon is a level 29 viloplume.
TM24 is given by Lt Surge after his defeat at the Vermilion City gym.
you can get it if you defeat the fighting gym leader in saffron city but you can only get 1
The third gym leader is Lt. Surge, an electric Pokemon trainer. In the yellow version his only Pokemon is Raichu. Raichu can be easily defeated by a ground type Pokemon. Conveniently, Diglett's Cave is located right next to the town. In here you can find wild Diglett's and maybe wild Dugtrio's, the evolved form of Diglett. These Pokemon can easily defeat Lt. Surge with the Dig attack.
Head back to Viridian City and challenge the gym there (it will be open now) to get your 8th badge. After that come the Pokemon league.
you must first get the silph scope and defeat Erika, the leader of Celadon City gym.
You have to defeat Erika.
Defeat the Champion in the Elite Four.
you go to the 4th gym leader. her name is erika. her strongest Pokemon is a level 29 viloplume.
You will find Erika at the Celadon City Gym. She trains grass types and for winning you will receive the Rainbow Badge and TM21 which is Mega Drain.
It's erika the grass type user. the badge is the rainbow badge
bulbasaur carry it to the least level 16(make it evolve)
the flute is given by Mr Fuji after you defeat Marowak in the Pokemon Tower or the graveyard.
Defeat Gym Leader Blain on Cinnabar Island.
erika had victribell,tangela,and vileplume
beat team rocket's hideout in celadon city, defeat erika and enter silph co. :) hope i helped
TM24 is given by Lt Surge after his defeat at the Vermilion City gym.