you go to the lake to battle team galatic and then you go to snowpoint city to get your seventh badge.
the sixth gym is in canalave city
beat the league
beat the 4th and 5th DA
canalave city gym
Go to herthome and beat the gym master -Game master
the sixth gym is in canalave city
After you beat the sixth gym leader, you are allowed to use strength which moves the boulders.
you need to use a strong fighting type like a lucario or medicham
fire and ground
One of your Pokemon has to learn surf.
you beat the gym leader
you beat the sixth gym
Byron in Canalave City is the sixth gym leader in Pokemon Diamond. He specializes steel-type. His 3 pokemons are Bronzor, Steelix, and Bastiodon.
bryron and his pokemons are brozor, stelix and bastiodon.
byron the sixth gym leader u fight him in canalave gym
beat the #?*@! gym leader
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