After You beat the elite four in Pokemon Ruby Version, you can go to the sky pillar which is east (---->) of Pacifidlog town, and capture Rayquaza at level 70, (it is very strong so i would bring as many ultra balls as possible) capture a roaming Pokemon (Latias for sapphire, and Latios for ruby) and go to trainer tower.
NO (only on ruby)
depends on the game. If you edit your question, I would be happy to answer.
you have to beat the elite four and go to the pal park or transfer it from ruby,saphier or emerald
beat the elite four with 60 owned Pokemon in your pokedex. celio will not tell you to get the ruby and Sapphire until u do
Depends what you mean by "beat." some consider it beaten after the Elite Four is defeated. But there are still a ton of Pokemon to catch, so others consider the game beaten after you catch all 386 Pokemon available in ruby.
beat the eliet four if you havent
train your pokemon to level 60+ and fight them...
Beat the Eliet Four and then the miner dudes will go away and Pal Park will be open
NO (only on ruby)
beat the eliet 4 and get all Pokemon
you beat the elite four
no there isn't
The Pokemon League
In snowpoint city at the bottom there is a sailor that recognizes you as a good trainer and takes you to the fight area after you beat the elite 4
You only have to beat the elite four once but you can do it as many times as you want.
To get a Pokémon from a third-gen game (Ruby) to a fourth-gen game (HeartGold) you need to get to Pal Park. It is in Fuchsia City; technically, as long as you get the National Pokédex and can get to Kanto you can enter, but frankly you would be better off just beating the Elite Four.
In Ruby and Sapphire yes you need to beat the Elite Four first, but in Emerald you can catch Raquazza before or after you beat the Elite Four.