depends on the game. If you edit your question, I would be happy to answer.
you go to the eliet 4 and finesh the game.
yeh to get kanto legends beat the kanto elite 4 and its champion. do the same as the others
You get it after you beat the elite 4.
No but you can catch many of the Pokemon in Sinnoh after you beat the Elite 4
beat a team rocket on floor 4 talk to him after you beat him and you get the key
beat the eliet 4 and get all Pokemon
you have to beat the eliet 4 and it will appear at random if your starter Pokemon was a charmander
You just play the game usually when you beat the Eliet 4 you have seen all the pokemon.
I beat the elite 4 with level 60,70,and 1 level 100 so approximately level 65
you have to beat the eliet 4 to get a pamtree
You must beat the eliet 4 and then beat N and Getsis to finish the story, you can get to the transfer lab by going to the right out of Nimbasa city
first you need surf second you need strength and third beat the eliet 4
easy when u beat the eliet 4 get a slamance and deoxes then migrate a charmanda. that's wat i did and i never lost agen.
1. Its sevii islands not sivis islands and you have to catch at least 60 Pokemon on your pokedex and you have to beat the not at all challenging eliet 4
after beating eliet 4 and champion
Charizard is the best choice
In snowpoint city at the bottom there is a sailor that recognizes you as a good trainer and takes you to the fight area after you beat the elite 4