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Q: What do you do after you beat the Pokemon league on platinum?
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No. You need to beat the Pokemon League IN the Platinum one.

How do you get to cynthia in platinum?

Beat the pokemon league Cynthia is the champion

What happenns if you beat the Pokemon league in Pokemon platinum?

You automatically go to twinleaf town.

The easiest and strongest Pokemon to beat the Pokemon league in platinum?

The easyest Pokemon is scizer and the hardest Pokemon is milotic.

How do you get to the water part in the desttotion world after you beat the pokemon league in pokemon platinum?

you can't but you can if you have action reply

How do you beat pokemon platinum on ds?

get 8 badges kill galactic beat Pokemon league complete pokedex=210 beat national dex=492

How do you get Dialga in Pokemon Platinum once you lost him before in Pokemon Platinum?

Beat the Pokemon league again and go back to spear pillar and you will see dialga again.

After you beat the Pokemon league on platinum what next?

after you beat the Pokemon league you need to finish the pokedex and thengo and see prof. rowan in his lab, prof oak, will then give you the national pokedex

How do you beat the game in Pokemon Platinum?

All you need to do is get all eight badges and defeat the Pokemon League. But, you can decide your goal to beat the game. You still have to beat the Pokemon League, but afterwards you can decide on your goal. Your goal could be to catch all Legendaries of that game. You goal could be to catch a number of Pokemon. But, the true way to beat the game is to beat the Pokemon League.

What is the best Pokemon team to beat the Pokemon league in platinum?

Empoleon in its 80's can beat everyone if knows the moves: Aqua Jet Drill peak :)

How do you get the super rod in Pokemon platinum right after you beat the league?

You have to get the national dex so you can old time Pokemon or Pokemon that are in the normal pokedex.

How do you get azurill in Pokemon Platinum?

After you beat the Pokemon league, go to the Pokemon mansion and keep talking to the man. After a week azurill will appear. :D