Lilycove City Heal your Pokemon at the Pokemon Center, and you'll find your rival in front of the Lilycove Department Store behind the Pokemon Center. After beating her, go to the Lilycove Museum, and talk to the old man blocking the staircase. He'll take you upstairs and tells you he needs paintings to be hung on the second floor. You can also check out the Lilycove Department Store. It have five floors full of items, and a rooftop with a vending machine. At the ground floor, you'll be able to get a free Lottery Ticket once per day. If the ticket's number matches your Pokemon's ID number in a certain way, you'll be able to get a prize. To the right of the store is the Move Deleter's House. Here you can delete unwanted moves, and even HMs! Keep on going right, and talk to the old man. He'll give you a Pecha Berry. Go down, and into the house with the old man standing outside. Talk to the only person inside, and he'll give you TM44 - Sleep. After all that, leave the city through the west exit. Keep on going west until you reach the dock. ---- Mt. Pyre and Route 122Surf east and then south. You'll soon reach Mt. Pyre. Talk to the old lady to get a Cleanse Tag. A Pokemon holding it will ward off wild Pokemon. Go up the stairs to battle all the trainers, and get all the items. Go downstairs and head out through the exit at the left. You'll see an Itemball, and it contains TM 48 - Skill Swap. Climb all the way to the top. As you climb, strong fog comes out. There are many tombstones with hidden items, so you can try to look for some. Also as you go up, you'll be fighting Team M/A members. Talk to the leader, and he'll go away. Here's the story. On Mt. Pyre, there's the Red Orb and the Blue Orb. One of the has been taken by Team M/A, depending on your version (Ruby: Blue Orb taken; Sapphire: Red Orb taken). The old lady will give you the other orb that hasn't been taken. Now fly to Slateport City. Stolen Submarine! Go to the shipyard with a whole bunch of people around it. Talk to the person blocking the doorway, and he turns out to be Capt. Stern, and is being interviewed. While your talking, you'll hear Team M/A talk through the megaphone. They're trying to steal the submarine, and you'll need to follow Capt. Stern. The PokeBlock Case Now head to the Contest House in Slateport City. Talk to the little girl inside, and she'll give you a PokeBlock Case. Now you can mix Berries and get into the Safari Zone! To test it out, go to the Berry Blender where the two people are standing next to. Here you can make PokeBlocks. Here's how to do it: When you arrow comes to your marker, simply press "A". Yep, it's that simple! Afterwards, a PokeBlock is made! To feed a PokeBlock to a Pokemon, open it up in the bag, and choose the PokeBlock that you want. Now fly back to Lilycove City. Route 123 This is an optional route. That means you don't have to go there. It's Route 123, and is located south of Mt. Pyre. Once you get there, cut the tree to your right. Go up to fight a trainer, and then go down for a Rare Candy. Go west, then north by cutting the trees. You'll see an empty spot in the grass. Press "A" to it, and it turns out to be a Super Repel. Right below that is an Elixir. After that, the road splits into two, and eventually comes back as when when you reach a small house. This is the house of the Berry Master, an old man who'll give you a Magost Berry and a Grepa Berry if you talk to him. Talk to his wife, choose a word, and she'll give a Sitrus Berry. Next to their house is a wide variety of Berries for you to take. After walking a bit more, you'll reach Route 118. Now fly back to Lilycove City.
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Fortree City ( Feather Badge ) Leader's pokemon: Altaria, Swellow, Skarmory, Pelipper
Head to lavaridge town for your next badge.
You can trade anytime after getting the 2nd badge, the reason being is because you need to have this badge in order to receive Pokemon from trade that will obey you otherwise if you trade any sooner they won't listen to you.
Beat the Gym Leader
go to your mom after getting your 5th badge this works for both sapphire and ruby but am not sure about emerald !!!!!!!!!
Fortree City ( Feather Badge ) Leader's pokemon: Altaria, Swellow, Skarmory, Pelipper
you go south from mount pyre
Head to lavaridge town for your next badge.
The sixth gym is Mossdeep City Gym - Gym Leaders Liza and Tate (Mind Badge). You have to surf right of Lilycove city.
go to fortree city. there go and find stiven. he will give you a Devon skope. then return to the gum
Wally's dad gives it to you after getting the 5th badge. just beat the Sixth gym located at Fortree City(maybe I write wrong).That gym was flying type.Hope this help u^^
With the seventh badge in Pokemon Ruby version, you can control caught or traded Pokemon up to level 70.
Use mr briney's ship to reach dewford town.
You can get the 6th badge by defeating your father in petalburg.
Pokemon Ruby in the Cave of Origin after getting your seventh badge. AT THE UNDER WATER CAVE A.K.A.TEAM MAGMAS HIDEOUT
Lavarage its in. ST4282