Fortree City ( Feather Badge ) Leader's pokemon: Altaria, Swellow, Skarmory, Pelipper
If you mean Balance Badge in Petalburg City. You need to go in Fortree City. Simple huh?
You get it in Sootopolis city. If your playing Ruby or Sapphire. You would be fighting Wallace. In Emerald, You fight Juan.
you need the Mauville city gym badge. (the electricity gym) if im not mistaken
Head to lavaridge town for your next badge.
Beat the Gym Leader
The sixth gym is Mossdeep City Gym - Gym Leaders Liza and Tate (Mind Badge). You have to surf right of Lilycove city.
go to fortree city. there go and find stiven. he will give you a Devon skope. then return to the gum
you go south from mount pyre just beat the Sixth gym located at Fortree City(maybe I write wrong).That gym was flying type.Hope this help u^^
At Sootopolis City.
it is Mauville gym
the first badge in in rusboro city sorry for spelling its at the end of the forest
It is in fortree city
If you mean Balance Badge in Petalburg City. You need to go in Fortree City. Simple huh?
You get it in Sootopolis city. If your playing Ruby or Sapphire. You would be fighting Wallace. In Emerald, You fight Juan.
With the seventh badge in Pokemon Ruby version, you can control caught or traded Pokemon up to level 70.
you need the Mauville city gym badge. (the electricity gym) if im not mistaken