go to professer oak and he will give you the hm rock clime then two things 1 go to mt silver a fight trainer red or two go after mewtwo in creves cave the cave that is close to misty gym
You are in jhoto first then when you have all the 8 gym badges you can go to kanto and get 8 more badges which will be all 16 badges then you can challenge the pokemon league. Hope that helped.
Yes you can get Zapdos in Pokemon Heart Gold. After you get all 16 badges go to the power plant and Zapdos will be waiting there for you. He is at lvl 50.
in Pokemon pearl / diamond you need 2 badges for any Pokemon up to level 20 to obey you need 4 badges for any Pokemon up to level 40 to obey you need 6 badges for any Pokemon up to level 60 to obey you need all 8 for any Pokemon (even traded) to obey in heart gold / soul silver its exsacly the same :)
HM08 Rock Climb is given to you by Prof. Oak after you get all 16 badges.
you have to get all the badges first, i have heart gold so im not positive but after u get all the johto badges and help all of them out around the map, i think they battle you srry if this doesnt work, again i play gold so,,,,,, anyways hope this helps
you have to get all eight gym badges
There are 8 badges in each and every Pokemon region except for the Gold and Heart Gold versions/Silver and Soul Silver. (there are 16) (if that wasnt known..)
You are in jhoto first then when you have all the 8 gym badges you can go to kanto and get 8 more badges which will be all 16 badges then you can challenge the pokemon league. Hope that helped.
i think so because my heart gold connected with platinum he has his 16 badges but when pplatinum looked at heart gold case it showed 8 sinnow badge slots!!
u have to have 7 gym badges
Professor Oak gives it too you when you have obtained all 16 badges.
You go beat the elite four and capture lugia/ho-oh.
There r 8,Falkner,Bugsy,Whitney,Morty and etc
U need to get all 16 badges then go pallet town in kanto
There are plenty of things to do on Pokemon Heart Gold, though the main thing to do are to beat Team Rocket, Beat the Pokemon League Champion and collect all 16 Pokemon Badges. Jacko25
Get 8 badges