Go after another strong pokemon, for example. That far into the game there is not much you have to do.
If you got the Member Card from an event (or cheat or however), you could catch Darkrai by visiting the house right at the waterfront of Canalave City.
Yes, you can, but it is confusing, not knowing which is which. It is easier catching Mespirit then attempting to catch Cresselia
confuse it or put it to sleep.sleep her or master ball
It will keep fleeing unless you have a Pokemon with Mean Look or something like that so it won't escape. Try catching a wild Golbat. The same is for Mespirit.
If Cresselia disappeared off of your map completely, then you have already caught Cresselia, or there is a glitch in your game where Cresselia has just disappeared off of your map. Further details would be needed for a more in-depth assessment as to why this has happened if neither of the two reasons stated are why Cresselia isn't on your map.
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Yes, you can, but it is confusing, not knowing which is which. It is easier catching Mespirit then attempting to catch Cresselia
confuse it or put it to sleep.sleep her or master ball
have to get the mystery gift but to get the mystery gift you would have to wait for them to host the event so you can get the gift
Mean Look prevents a pokemon from fleeing in from battle. It's useful when catching Cresselia and Mesprit, if that's what you're after.
It will keep fleeing unless you have a Pokemon with Mean Look or something like that so it won't escape. Try catching a wild Golbat. The same is for Mespirit.
First you must have the national pokedex, then you go to canalave and go to the sailors house. there should be a boy having nightmares. Talk to the mother and boy then to the sailor he should take you to full moon island or whatever its called. If you follow the path you come across cresselia and then she flies away leaving the lunar wing. after that you go back to the sailer and give the wing to the boy. to catch cresselia, use your marking map, because cresselia flys away like mesprit. :) Good luck catching it!
First you must have the national pokedex, then you go to canalave and go to the sailors house. there should be a boy having nightmares. Talk to the mother and boy then to the sailor he should take you to full moon island or whatever its called. If you follow the path you come across cresselia and then she flies away leaving the lunar wing. after that you go back to the sailer and give the wing to the boy. to catch cresselia, use your marking map, because cresselia flys away like mesprit. Good luck catching it!
After a little while into the post game, Cresselia starts appearing into your dreams or at least Darkrai is. He was pretending to be Cresselia. Cresselia is really good, but the Cresselia in the dreams are Darkrai's doing.
As I've got Platinum myself what I did after catching Cresselia wasCatch other Legendaries such as, Uxie, Mespirit, Azelf, GiratinaDo the Elite Four againRaise most your Pokemon until lv. 100Complete Pokedex (Catch & See)TradeBattle other trainers you knowRe-fight gym leadersExplore caves like Mt. CoronetSomething which you have to do is catch Arceus, Manaphy & ShayminSome Suggestionsor you could get the next game(s)Heart Gold, Soul Silver, PlatinumThanks:)Chelseaelliot
I looked it up, you can get Cresselia, but it doesn't say how. It only says you can get Cresselia at Sharpedo Bluff.
you find cresselia on full moon island
no, cresselia can only be caught in gens 4+