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Q: What do you call a person who is infected with a virus and can pass it on to others 7 letter word?
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Related questions

Why is it a problem when an infected person has no symptoms?

if an infected person has no symptoms (they wouldn't know they had this virus)then they could go on and pass it on to others, some which are more vunerable who could die in seroius cases.

What made zombies appear in Shaun of the dead?

The virus was started by raging monkeys it said.

How does a virus transmit to a healthy person?

By infected water , animal , infected blood , semen ,sexual,

Is there HIV virus in fingernails of infected person?

HIV is not in fingernails.

Does HIV or AIDS Virus kill the person who is infected?

It Could

What is congenital aids?

This means that the person was infected with the HIV virus at birth.

How old do you have to be to not get aids?

A person of any age, if exposed to the virus, can be infected.

Why aids is caused?

AIDS is a disease caused by a virus, known as HIV (human immunity virus). If this virus is transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person, the formerly healthy person may also become infected. One common method the virus is transmitted - though no the only one - is through sexual intercourse.

How long can someone have HIV without knowing?

Years. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS, but the symptoms may lie dormant for years, during which time the infected person may pass the virus on to others unknowingly.

Can non infected gay people get HIV?

Yes, non-infected people (gay or straight) can contract the HIV virus if they are exposed to the HIV virus from another person.

IF a person is injected with HIV would they have it?

If injected with the virus HIV, they would be infected.

What describes the number of virus particles circulating in an infected person?

Viral load