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A material with a good thermal conductivity or a thermal conductor.

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Q: What do you call a material that conducts heat well?
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A material that is conducts heat well is most likely?

Metals conduct heat and electricity well.

How well does gold conducts heat and electricity?

because gold is a metal it conducts heat and electricity very well

A material that conducts thermal energy poorly?

A material that doesn't conduct heat well is called an insulator.

What material conducts electricity but not heat?

Many materials conduct heat reasonably well, but are fairly good insulators where electricity is concerned. One example would be glass.

What metals conducts heat well?


What branch of science conducts tests on how well heat travels in an object?

Thermodynamics is the branch of science that conducts tests on how well heat travels in an object.

Material that conducts thermal energy well?

All elements will conduct heat to some extent. metals conduct heat and electricity the best; metalliods conduct heat and electricity good too but not as good as metals. nonmetals are poor conductors.

do you value?

Heat transfer... describes how well a building element conducts heat

Does potassium vigorously react with acid and also conducts heat?

Potassium does indeed react vigorously with acid and also conducts heat well.

What are thermal coductors?

A good thermal conductor is a material that conducts the heat well. These are usually metals which is why pots and pans are made out of them but not the handle. They are the opposite of thermal insulators so this means that the heat can get across the material quickly whereas an insulator keeps the heat in so the heat cannot get through as quickly.

Why is aluminium used for saucepans?

It is light, cheap and conducts heat very well.

Why do they use aluminum in phones?

It's a very common metal, and it conducts heat pretty well, making it a good material for Heat sinks and the such, as computers generate massive amounts of heat and must be constantly cooled.