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crucible or melting/holding pot

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Q: What do you call a Container that holds molten metal?
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What do you call a container to transport molten metal.?

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What do you call melted metal?


Container used to transport molten metal in a foundry?

LadleWhile a ladle is used in the process, I believe the container being asking about is either the slag pot or the smelting pot.I agree the call ladle because our customer from foundry plant also call ladle.we produce the ladle transfer car according to the customer demand.The ladle widely use in the steel industry.

What do you call a metal container for oil?

You call that an oil can or a barrel.

What do you call metal part of a pencil that holds the eraser?

The metal part of a pencil that holds the eraser is called a ferrule.

What do you call molten after it has erupted?

What you call molten rock after it has erupted is lava.

What do you call molten rocks after it has erupted?

What you call molten rock after it has erupted is lava.

What do you call a metal container of oil?

A metal container for large quantities of oil can be called a drum (usually 55 gallons). If it is a small amount of oil (usually a quart) the container could be called a can. Today, most small quantities of oil are supplied in plastic containers.

What do you call molten rock before it has erupted?

What do you call molten rock before it has erupted

What do you call the container that holds prizes in a gumball machine?

Typically the glass/ plastic bowl on a gumball machine is called a GLOBE.

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Where did molten rock come from?

Molten rock are come from volcanic in the past, or the lava chambers. Another call of molten rock are igneous rock.