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they will disapear after a while, they wont do anything

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Q: What do tree stumps do after a while in animal crossing?
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In animal crossing wild world do tree stumps count as trees?

No, tree stomps do not count as trees, that's just the death of the tree. You can't grow fruit on tree stomps, but it does countsas half a tree, I suppose, but not really.

How do you get to Tree Hut on Animal Crossing?

there is no such thing as a tree hut on animal crossing wild world.

Is there a bell code for Animal Crossing City folk wii?

No, but search "money tree animal crossing" to get tips on how to grow a money tree.

Remove Unwanted Tree Stumps?

form_title=Remove Unwanted Tree Stumps form_header=The trees have been chopped down, but the stubborn stumps are difficult to remove. HIre a professional. How many stumps need to be removed?= {(),1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 } Would you like the tree stumps turned into mulch for your garden?= () Yes () No Is the location of the tree stump accessible by truck?= () Yes () No

Where is the tree hut in animal crossing wild world?

There isn't one.

Can you bury money and get a money tree in animal crossing city folk?


What is width of 3 stumps?

it kind of depends how big the original tree was and how big the stumps are...

Is it the local councils responsibility to remove tree stumps in your street?

Tree stump removal is typically the responsibility of the property owner. Local city officials will tend to tree stumps in community parks and areas but it is likely that the home/property owner to remove tree stumps.

How do you plant a golden tree on animal crossing lets go to the city?

you can't!

Is there a Animal Crossing GameCube Money Tree seed code for Action Replay?


How do you pick up money when it falls out of the tree in animal crossing?

stand on it and press b

What do you do if pelly says to add a tree then subtract a tree on animal crossing wild world?

plant a tree and cut down a tree using a shovel and an axe.