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make sure you have a shovel, then, plant a fruit from a tree and bury it.


you can buy a tree from tom nook and again, plant a tree

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Q: How do you plant a tree in Animal Crossing?
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you can't!

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there is no such thing as a tree hut on animal crossing wild world.

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plant a tree and cut down a tree using a shovel and an axe.

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Yes, but you need a golden shovel.

How do you make tree's grow on animal crossing?

you plant them and water them every day until their fully mature

How do you plant a coconut tree in animal crossing wild world?

To plant a coconut tree, you have to plant it near the beach or on the shoreline. After you plant it, all you have to do is water it everyday. Then it should grow just fine~ !~Hope this helped~! ^.^

Animal crossing lets go to the city How do you get an apple tree?

Plant a apple, and when he is big,sometime apples ar on it.

Can the golden shovel break in Animal Crossing for GameCube?

I don't think that you can break the golden shovel on Animal Crossing GameCube. To get one, plant some money in a glowing spot. When the tree has grown it will be gold. Shake the tree and your gold shovel will come out.

Can trees grow back on Animal Crossing wild world?

No, you have to plant them again. You can either buy the saplings from Nook's or plant a fruit to regrow a tree.

Where do you plant a coconut tree in animal crossing wild world?

along the shore, where the wet sand meets the dry ground

Is there a money tree in Animal Crossing City Folk?

No, you have to plant money, and wait for a certain period of time. (a day maybe...)

Is there a bell code for Animal Crossing City folk wii?

No, but search "money tree animal crossing" to get tips on how to grow a money tree.