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it meens you have been banded

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Q: What do the red and white and blue stripes mean on club penguin?
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Related questions

What colour is the Club Penguin sky?

blue with white clouds

Where is blue and white shield club penguin?

The pin is gone already.

What are the stripes under your member badge on Club Penguin?

it represents how long you have been a member on club penguin

On club penguin how do you get the blue stripes hoodie?

You get that hoodie from the special catalogs that u purchase toy penguins in American stores which contain codes which u type in on club penguin and you can receive certain items for free

On club penguin how old do you have to be to get all the stripes?

well on club penguin you dont have to be old it dosent matter how old your penguin is but it does matter if you want to be a tour guide i had the stripes except later someone banned my penguin forever but you could get the stripes for your penguin anyday unless its in the catalog you need a member ship for that

Is there a blue penguin?

In club penguin!

How do you get a wizards hat on Club Penguin?

First you go to the beach on club penguin. Then you go to the light house and there will be a table with a blue wizards hat with white stars on it. Click it and there you have it.

Where do you get the blue books in Club Penguin?

you have to buy club penguin books to get it

How do you earn stripes on your club penguin membership?

The longer you are a member, the more you get.

Is there really a white puffle in Club Penguin?

There was not white puffles in club penguin but now there is

Is the white puffle the rarest in Club Penguin?

No, the white puffle is not the rarest puffle on Club Penguin.

Where is the white puffle on Club Penguin?

There is currently no white puffle on Club Penguin, and it will be publically announced to the Club Penguin players so they will be able to adopt them.