Dragon and ice types defeats it
Fighting types and Bug types. Certain dark Pokemon are also immune to electric types. _______________________________________________________________________ Dark Pokemon are immune to Psychic types. They're weak against Fighting and Bug Types, and resist Dark and Ghost Types.
Dark-Types are weak against Bug-Types and Fighting-Types.
Dark-Type Pokemon are weak against: Fighting-Types Bug-Types
physic is bad against dark
Dragon and ice types defeats it
Fighting types and Bug types. Certain dark Pokemon are also immune to electric types. _______________________________________________________________________ Dark Pokemon are immune to Psychic types. They're weak against Fighting and Bug Types, and resist Dark and Ghost Types.
phycic types are affective to themselves or dark types ,dark types are the best!
Dark-Types are weak against Bug-Types and Fighting-Types.
Ghost types are fundamentally weak against ghost or dark attacks.
Dark-Type Pokemon are weak against: Fighting-Types Bug-Types
physic is bad against dark
No. Fire-Types are strong against Grass-Types, Bug-Types, Ice-Types, and Steel-Types. Dark-Types are weak against Bug-Types and Fighting-Types.
Dark and steel types do not exist in the Kanto region. Dark and steel types first appeared in the Johto region, and then became a staple for all regions following it thereafter.
dark types or ghost types
fighting types and bug types
fighting types and mybe psychic your best bet is fighting though ________________________________________________________________________ Actually, Dark Pokemon are immune to Psychic types. They're weak against Fighting and Bug Types, and resist Dark and Ghost Types. =p Nice try though.