In the Olympics, each participating country is designated by a 3-digit code. The letters SUI represent Switzerland.
Czech Republic is a country. It has 13 letters.
Those letters spell Cyprus.
Liechtenstein is a country. The name includes thirteen letters. It is the country that has the most letters in its spelling.
The country is SWEDEN.
The country is England.
SUI is not an official abbreviation for any country
Saint Kitts and Nevis. They are in the Olympics.
'Sui' is the accepted three word abbreviation for the country of Switzerland.
DE is the abbreviation of Germany. SUI is FIFA Country Code for Switzerland.
Angles are represented by capital letters. Small letters refer to sides.
Variables are represented as letters so they don't get confused with numbers.
Most are represented by two letters. It would be impossible for most to be represented by one letter as there are more than twice as many elements as there are letters.
There are many acronyms for the letters CSK. A few of them are Chan Sui Ki College, Chennai Super Kings, Coretta Scott King and was the former country code for Czechoslovakia.
Anything you like as long as you specify what is being represented.
Dominant alleles are written in upper case (i.e, 'A'), while recessive alleles are lower case (i.e, 'a')
The Romans did but these letters or numerals represented numbers.