North Carolina and South Carolina have 13 letters in their name. Massachusetts has 13 letters in the name.
Those letters spell Cyprus.
Liechtenstein is a country. The name includes thirteen letters. It is the country that has the most letters in its spelling.
The country is SWEDEN.
· Liechtenstein
The country with the most continuous letters is Liechtenstein which has 13 consecutive letters. The country with the most letters total is Democratic Republic of the Congo and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines who both have a total of 28 letters.
There are 13 letters in the word Massachusetts.
North Carolina and South Carolina have 13 letters in their name. Massachusetts has 13 letters in the name.
The country with the letters "newsed" is Sweden.
Alaskan salmon has 13 letters. It is a water animal.
December 13 2010 The final category is Countries The clue was: In only two cases can you add 2 letters to a country to get another country: Austria / Australia and this Pair. The answer was: What is Niger and Nigeria
Indeed - the word parallelogram is spelt correctly in the question, and has 13 letters.
No country has all of those letters in a single name.
The country with the most letters in its name is the United Kingdom.
Norway is the country that contains the letters yanrwo.
Massachusetts, 13 letters. North Carolina and South Carolina , 13 letters each.