Fallout 2 was not available on any gaming consoles and was only released for the Windows PC and Macintosh computer platforms.
fallout 1 doesnt, since the game ends fallout 2 does
like lets say. -Assassins Creed 2 -Assassins Creed Brotherhood -Fallout: New Vegas all these are for xbox is there some way i can trade them in for ps3 versions? Thx For The Help.
There's a ton of sites, just look up "Fallout 1/2 Torrent." Download qbittorent first so you can download the torrent. If it comes in an .iso file, open it with winrar.
fallout 3 psp??????
They have made 2 Consoles: Xbox & Xbox 360 So their first Console was the Classic Xbox
on ps3 and xbox360 =)
Fallout 2 was an isometric rpg, released in 1999(98?). Fallout BOS is a console rpg-action game released years later. It received negative reivews and is not considered to be canon by the Fallout series's current owner, Bethesda.
There are no cheats or codes for Fallout 3 on a console.
There are no cheats for the console versions of the game.
You don't. It does not exist in fallout 3 without the use of the console and mods. ( Only for P.C )
Console Commands can only be used on pc and they are opened by pressing the~ key
The common consensus is PC is the best platform for most Bethesda games, including Fallout.
Joystick for Fallout 3?No, Fallout 3 is set up for use with keyboard and mouse on a PC.or you can have it on a console without a keyboard which is better known as a controller
The console command codes cannot be used on a console (ironic much?)
no, fallout 2 is for pc.
no there is'nt mate, They find it hard enough to get fallout on a console, let alone a psp. judging how glitchy the new fallout is on the xbox, im guessing it will still be quite a few years