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Get action replay, at target or GameStop, then get the master ball code, discard balls til you reach the pokedex number of the Pokemon you want, and press L for encounter

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Q: What code makes random legendary Pokemon appear in Pokemon heart gold?
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Related questions

What is the action replay code for only legendaries in Pokemon heart gold?

There is no specific code that allows only legendary Pokemon to appear. However, there are Pokemon modifiers. Use these at your own risk.

What is the code to have a legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond?

Fudge ripple sweet heart :) :) <----------3 (;)

What legendary Pokemon can you find on Pokemon Heart Gold?

Well I do have the game. I did see suicune in it.

How do you catch the legendary Pokemon Kyogre in Pokemon soulsliver?

You can't in Soul Silver, only in Heart Gold.

What electric type Pokemon that is not a legendary is best on Pokemon heart gold DS?

Probably electivire or ampharos.

What is the action replay code for all legendary Pokemon in heart gold?

There is none.

How do you easily catch legendary Pokemon in heart gold?

grow a pair... and get good pokemon to get the legendary pokemon's health low... then use an ultra ball over and over again until you catch it

Is it posable to fight a legendary twice if you killed it the fist time in heart gold?

If you defeat the elite four the legendary Pokemon will reappear

Is there a legendary Pokemon in mt silver heart gold?

Yes there is. In one of the chambers is a Moltres.

What code gets all legendary Pokemon with action replay dsi on Pokemon heart gold?

There isn't currently a code for all of the legendary pokemon, but they each have individual codes in Heartgold DSi Action Reply. check out this guy's channel on YouTube. He has most of the legendary pokemon DSi Action Replay Code for Heartgold. ☺ :)

In heart gold if you kill latias can you still find her again?

yes & like all other legendary Pokemon beat the elite 4 to rematch any legendary Pokemon you ran from, defeated, defeated you or if it fled.

Where can you find a stone that can evolve legendary poke'mon in heart gold or soul silver?

Legendary Pokemon don't evolve! ur a noob for asking that! (noob means newie)