

Best Answer

blingbling-gives you 100,000 cash

fillerup-refills fuel

penetrable-upgrades hull to next level

digdug-upgrades drill to next level

warp9-upgrades engine to next level

guzzle-upgrades fuel tank to next level

supersize-upgrades cargo to next level

tocool-upgrades radiator to next level


to enter cheat codes go to options

Note:game does not save if any cheat is entered so please save your game before cheating

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Q: What cheats are there for MotherLoad?
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What are the motherload cheats?


How do you enter cheats in motherload?

Just enter it on options without using a bar

How do you get to the devil on motherload without using cheats?

Keep digging down. Use lots of explosives.

How do you type in cheats on motherload?

To type in cheats, go to the options menu while playing and type in your cheat. Please note that you can't save your progress after you cheat.

Where do you type in cheats on motherload -sims 2 night life?

you press: ctrl shift C. A box comes up at the top of the screen, that's where you type cheats!

Witch games on miniclip have cheats?

On Motherload, if you open up the options screen and type 'Ntouchable' you get something cool. But you'll just have to play and find out!

Why won't motherload work on sims 3?

it does, but it's spelled motherlode not motherload...

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What are the release dates for Motherload - 2004 VG?

Motherload - 2004 VG was released on: USA: 2004

Can you get to earth on motherload?

No, you stay on Mars.

What actors and actresses appeared in MotherLoad - 2010?

The cast of MotherLoad - 2010 includes: Lisa Berry as Dorothy (2010) Erin Keaney as Erin

What are the cheats for motherload?

In the game "Motherload," cheats are typically used to gain an advantage, such as unlimited money or resources. One common cheat is to enter the code "iamcoolguy" to receive $9,999,999 in funds. Another cheat is to type "iamnotagoodguy" to unlock all upgrades and fuel. It's important to note that using cheats can sometimes detract from the overall gaming experience and may not be supported by the game developers.