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try using a secret key which you can get with action replay

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Q: What cheat to use to get Rotom forms?
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Does Rotom need to be on level 20 to get the forms?

Nope. You have to cheat for a secret key,cheat for the 5 different forms of Rotom or go to the event and get the mystery gift.

Do you have to cheat to change Rotom in Pokemon SoulSliver?

No you do not have to use a cheating device such as an Action Replay or a GameShark in order to change Rotom into any of his other forms in Pokemon SoulSilver since there is a way to change it into its various forms in SoulSilver, you will need to place Rotom as your lead Pokemon and then you will need to operate the elevator that can be found in Silph Co. of which can be found in Saffron City in the Kanto region and when the elevator stops you can find the appliances that will allow Rotom to change into Fan Rotom, Frost Rotom, Mow Rotom, Heat Rotom or Wash Rotom.

Can Rotom change forms?

Rotom can change forms in platinum

How do you get other forms of Rotom?

you can only get them in platinum with the secrit key which you can get with wifi and go to the galactic HQ top left corner and use the secrt key and there are the rotom forms

Can Rotom evolve on Pokemon Pearl?

no, Rotom never evolves. Rotom has different forms which are not in diamond pearl.

How do you make mow Rotom?

To get it to become mow rotom, you have to have a secrect key. You can only get it by a Nintendo event or a cheat. After you got it you will be able to get a rotom key.

In Pokemon platinum what does the secret key do?

You unlock a place where Rotom can change its forms.

How many forms of Rotom are there?

There is Regular, Fire, Ice, Grass, Water and Flying Rotom which makes 6 different forms.

Can you evolve Rotom after key has expired?

Rotom can't evolve, but it can change forms. Is this what you mean?

Who is Rotom in Pokemon?

Rotom is an Electric/Ghost-type Pokemon that is #479 in the National Pokedex. It has the ability to change in multiple forms - Heat Rotom, Wash Rotom, Frost Rotom, Fan Rotom, and Mow Rotom - that all have different secondary typing in addition to Electric.

Can you get the different forms of rotom in diamond and pearl?

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How do you get Rotom to change forms in Diamond?
