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Union Cave.

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Q: What cave is the lapras in on HeartGold version?
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Where is Lapras in heart gold?

IN heartgold and soulsilver Lapras is in Union Cave at the very bottom and far end of Union Cave ( Lapras is only lv. 15) hope this helped:)

Can you catch lapras in Pokemon HeartGold?

you can find them on fridays in unoin cave

How do you get lapras in Pokemon HeartGold?

u have to go to union cave basement on Friday

How do you get a lapras in Pokemon HeartGold?

you go to this cave on Saturday or Sunday and then it will be there you should look around

How do you catch the Pokemon Lapras in Pokemon HeartGold?

You can catch the Pokemon Lapras in Union Cave, but only on Fridays. Make sure you stock up on PokeBalls.

What cave is lapras in?

In Red, Blue, FireRed and LeafGreen, Lapras doesn't appear in a cave. You can get it as a gift from the researcher standing next to your rival in the Silph Co. building in Saffron City. In Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver, Lapras can be found in Union Cave on Fridays. You'll need surf to get to it, though.

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Where do you get a lapras in Pokemon HeartGold?

you can catch laparas in the union cave on fridays just walk around and u will see it in the water swimming around

Where do you catch laparas in Pokemon HeartGold?

You know the cave, East from Slowpoke's well? In that cave, there is a basement level. Head over there and you should see an area where you have to surf. Surf and there you go, a Lapras. ( If I'm not wrong, the lapras will only appear at a certain day. Correct me if I'm wrong.)

How do you get lapras in heart gold?

Yes,there is Lapras. You find Lapras in the Unown Cave.

How do you get to lapras in Pokemon HeartGold?

you need to go to route 224 and use the super rod not the good rod and make sure you are using surf at the time

How do you get lapras in crystal?

You can find a Lapras in Union Cave every Friday.