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You can find a Lapras in Union Cave every Friday.

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Q: How do you get lapras in crystal?
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Lapras - Pokemon Crystal?

union caves on Friday

What level can Lapras learn Ice Beam in Pokemon Crystal?

Lapras will learn Ice Beam at level 31.

What is in dark cave in crystal?

a lapras that comes around every Friday

Where can you find lapras in Pokemon Crystal?

It is on the waters in Union Cave on Fridays.

How do you catch lapras in Pokemon Crystal?

im not sure but i think you catch it in union cave on a friday I'm defentily sure that you can catch lapras but only in union cave on friday that is wierd

What is in union cave on weekends on Pokemon Crystal?

its a lapras, you have to go very deep to find it. its at lvl 20 or 25 i believe.

When can you get lapras in crystal?

In the Union Cave on the bottom left there is some water you can surf do that and just follow the yellow brick road.

What cave is lapras in?

In Red, Blue, FireRed and LeafGreen, Lapras doesn't appear in a cave. You can get it as a gift from the researcher standing next to your rival in the Silph Co. building in Saffron City. In Gold, Silver, Crystal, HeartGold, and SoulSilver, Lapras can be found in Union Cave on Fridays. You'll need surf to get to it, though.

How do you get lapras in heart gold?

Yes,there is Lapras. You find Lapras in the Unown Cave.

What is the best Pokemon Crystal team?

Espeon, Feraligatr, Houndoom, Lapras, Ampharos, Crobat is my favorite team and i think you should just play with your favorites. But if you are looking for really good Pokemon with the best stats you should probably exchange your Houndoom for Arcanine and Lapras for Poliwrath.

Where to catch lapras in Pokemon liquid crystal?

You can catch Lapras in the Ice Path area in Pokemon Liquid Crystal. It has a low encounter rate in the water on the first floor of the Ice Path. Make sure to bring plenty of Ultra Balls to increase your chances of catching it.

Does Lapras have an evolution?

No. Lapras does not evolve and does not have any Pre-Evolved forms.