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You can use Ethers and Elixers. I think Ethers restore one move's PP by 10, and Elixers restore 10 PP for all moves. I'm not real sure, though. I never really use them.

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Q: What can you use to restore your pp in firered?
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Where are pp max in Pokemon platinum?

Pp max are items you use to restore your pp if it's low or not sure if you can buy them but I'm positive it will restore your pokemons pp fully

How many pp does hydro pump has in Pokemon FireRed?

5 pp

How do you restore PP in Pokemon diamond?

You can use elixirs, max elixers, and leppa berries.

What berrys restore pp in Pokemon?

no berries

What are the locations for all the pp ups in Pokemon Emerald?

Get a leppa berry. It will restore 10pp. If you want to use it infinite times then use this game shark code: A1D75FBCCEC709E8

Where can you buy a max ether on sapphire?

you can't buy any pp restore items, only find them. If you have a leppa berry, you could plant it and let it grow. Leppa berries give you 10 pp restore.

What do max ethers do on Pokemon diamond?

they fully restore the pp for one move

Pokemon platinum how to get cp to spend outside?

you can't because cp are used to heal and restore pp of your Pokemon and you can only use it in battle castle.

How do you defeated Gary in elite four in Pokemon firered?

By battling him? lol Buy a load of potions and pp ups and revives. Obviously use your strongest Pokemon then DESTROY him

Where do you get a pp max in Pokemon FireRed?

You can find it on two island in the larger pond next to the waterfall, on the little patch of land to the right. Step on land and use the itemfinder.

In Pokemon sapphire what city can you get a pp restore from?

There is no item called PP restore. The items that restore PP, Ether and Elixir and their upgrades, aren't for sale anywhere, but you can find it all over the ground. The Leppa Berry also restores 10PP. I recommend farming Leppa Berries, as that's the only way to have a limitless supply of PP-restoring items. Also, equipping a Leppa restores 10PP to the move that reaches 0PP first without costing you a turn, which is pretty neat.

Is there anything you can buy to restore PP in Pokemon leafgreen if so where?

eithers restore pp, u cant buy them anywhere that i no of, u find them in grassy areas though, if u see wat looks like a pokeball in the grass it is an item, it mite be an either.