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Q: What can you equip in your right hand in RuneScape?
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If you equip a spirit monster with a spell equip card what happens to that equip card when the spirit monster returns to your hand?

The equip spell is sent to the graveyard and the monster returns to your hand as usual :)

How do you equip mithril armour set 1 after you have bought it from the grand exchange on runescape?

Right click on the grand exchanger that's yellow, not blue, choose sets, right click on the mithril set and choose exchange

How do you equip sets in runescape?

well you go to the ge then right click the clerk hit in yellow letters sets then right click your set then hit exchange then click on the armour plz add me topsofwow ty.

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Use the emote and quickly equip your armour.

Can you equip gloves with a plate mail top not plate mail body on runescape classic?

no you cant

How do you wield the sword and shield in the tutorial in runescape?

Just left-click both of them and you will equip both.

How do you teleport with your amulet of glory?

You simply either just equip it, right click and click on a place or rub it in your inventory then choose your destination. - iKnow iType --> aka ~1z Poison~ from Runescape.

Where can you mine coal in RuneScape?

To mine coal in RuneScape you need a pickaxe and the required level to mine it. Then all you have to do is equip or carry the pickaxe and click on the rock containing coal. If you do not know what a rock contains then right-click the rock and select to 'prospect' option. You will then be informed as to what is in the rock.

How do you get rid of snowballs on RuneScape?

you can equip them and throw them at people, but snowballs should "melt" in your bank after a few months.

Snap shoton RuneScape?

the way to take a snapshot on runescape is to hit the print screen button on the upper right hand of your key board then go to paint and click paste

Where do you get a lantern in RuneScape?

You can get an unlit bug lantern from any of the Slayer Masters in Runescape. You must have Level 33 Slayer to equip it and it acts as a shield and helps when fighting Harpie Bug Swarms.

Which supervisor covers RuneScape?

At the head of every category page the name of the category supervisor is displayed in the upper right hand corner.