You can easily right click in runescape on macs be pressing command then clicking.
If you are a member and have a right-click mouse you can try full screen and Right-Click with that. Last Edited by: Tinkle-Winkle
Right click on the boot that's around the map and click on rest.
Yes you can, When you are on the runescape client, right click beside it and choose "Show source" Somewhere in there will the client code (IN HTML) be located)
well you go to the ge then right click the clerk hit in yellow letters sets then right click your set then hit exchange then click on the armour plz add me topsofwow ty.
nothing just drop it if you dont know how to do this right click on it then say drop
If you received a green d hide set ( boxed ) form the Grand Exchange, then you simply right-click the G.E clerk, then click sets. Once you have done that, right-click your box and click exchange, sorted.
When you open/load runescape, you can do this in the lobby by the way, click on the top right tab in the game menu (The one that says "Options") and then select "Min" in the "Manual Setup" category. Doing this, is the equivalent of safe mode for macs.
Right click on the boot that's around the map and click on rest.
right click > remove
try right clicking the use... and then click the rock... (it's fool proof!)
Right-click diango and click redeem code then enter it in!
Newer mac mouses have a right click option. If your on a laptop, holding control while clicking opens the right click options. You can change your clicking mechanics in the runescape settings (the hammer and screwdriver icon at the bottom right of the screen) to one click vs. two clicks
Go to the RuneScape website (, at the upper-right click on "Register", then follow the instructions.
Right click the water then select use then click the drain.
You just right click on someone and click trade, if he accepts it will be lended to him.
go to the grand exange right click the grand exange clerk click sets right click box of armour and click exchange the armour will come out
no because you will need anactual mouse with a right click too.
On a fishing spot that says harpoon when you right click it.