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If you mix it with 3 buckets of milk, 2 sugar, and 3 wheat, you can make a cake, which gives you health. Cakes can be bitten 6 times. You can also throw them giving you a 1/8th of a chance of spawning a chicken.

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Q: What can you do with chicken eggs in Minecraft?
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How do you throw spawn eggs minecraft yahoo answers?

If you mean "throw" like with chicken eggs, then no, you can't.

What are some uses for eggs in minecraft?

When you throw it it will sometimes make a baby chicken.

Can you inubate eggs on Minecraft?

No. You throw them at a wall and it has a 1/10 chance to spawn a baby chicken.

How do you spawn chickens in minecraft?

You can find eggs, those can spawn a chicken but not all eggs do, or load new chunks and they will spawn, just not where you want

How do you get spawn eggs in minecraft?

in creative mode you can scroll down and they are at the bottom, you can highlight them (hover over) to see what the egg will spawn. in surival you can have chicken eggs and if you throw them off the floor they have a chance of spawning a baby chicken.

How do you make animals spawn in minecraft 1.9?

you use some kind of mod, or throw eggs until you spawn a chicken

What do you do with a egg in Minecraft?

As of version 1.5, eggs can be thrown with a 25% of creating a chicken, or used as one of the ingredients in making a cake.

Where do you find chicken eggs on minecraft?

chickens lay eggs so if u find a place with alot of chickens you will probarbly find some if u look hard

How do you eat chicken eggs in minecraft?

You dont eat them,you use them to cook with. Cakes for example, along with other ingredients found in game

What birds eggs do you eat?

Usually chicken eggs, but quail and ostrich eggs are tasty.

Do you need eggs to fry chicken?

No, you do not need eggs to fry chicken.

How do you find Easter eggs on Minecraft?

Easter eggs do not exist in normal Minecraft, only as part of a mod