Your sims can now go on dates, your teens can go to prom, your teens have a graduation, when parents go on vacations the teens can have a party, your toddlers can get imaginary friends that do chores for them and become their best friend, there are new items like, a slip'n'slide, a new playground slide, a sandbox, a seesaw and treehouses, your teens can play pranks like, egg throwing, doorbell ditching, lighting a bag on fire on another sims porch, stealing tests from the school, flooding the school, and other funny pranks. The Sims 3 generations is an awesome game!(:
Lots are out. The sims 3 university, sims 3 nightlife, sims 3 adventures, sims 3 generations... you name it!
The Sims 3 is the base game for the whole Sims 3 franchise. To play the Sims 3 Generations, you must have the base game. Sims 3 Generations is an expansion pack which includes things like new hair, clothing, and furnishing. You are also able to record home movies as a Sim, take afterschool classes (ballet and scouting) as a child, and do tons more. The Sims 3 Generations makes things like prom and graduation available for teen Sims. Sims 3 Generations focuses a great deal on the teen and children section of Sims lives.
in buy mode
Only if you have generations as well. :D
If you have The Sims 3 Generations Expansion Pack downloaded in your laptop/computer It Will be there, but if you don't have Sims 3 Generations already then you would not get any generations stuff.
Yes you will because the Sims Generations is a expansion pack so you will need to buy the Sims 3 to use it.
The Sims 3 Generations was released in 2011 in the month of May.
I haven't played generations yet so idk but sims 3 is a pretty fun game but once I play generations then well see
Lots are out. The sims 3 university, sims 3 nightlife, sims 3 adventures, sims 3 generations... you name it!
Babies do age up in the sims 3 generations :P
The Sims 3 is the base game for the whole Sims 3 franchise. To play the Sims 3 Generations, you must have the base game. Sims 3 Generations is an expansion pack which includes things like new hair, clothing, and furnishing. You are also able to record home movies as a Sim, take afterschool classes (ballet and scouting) as a child, and do tons more. The Sims 3 Generations makes things like prom and graduation available for teen Sims. Sims 3 Generations focuses a great deal on the teen and children section of Sims lives.
Thats a good question. I have sims ambitions, sims 3, and sims 3 world adventures on my Ipod. The app store doesn't have a sims 3 generations... yet. I hope this helped!
There is but you have to get Sims 3 generations expansion pack
The Sims 3 is a base game. If you don't have the base you can't play the Expansion Packs. Sims 3 Generations is an expansion pack. So to put that simply: No.
yes you can.
No, you cannot run neither The Sims 3 nor the Generations expansion pack.