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Q: What can you catch with an old rod in platinum?
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Where are Magikarps in platinum?

You can catch them if you use your old rod in water.

What rod do you catch feebas with in platinum?

super rod

What rod do you need to catch a feebas on Pokemon platinum version?

a good rod or super rod

Can you catch a feebas with a good rod in Pokemon platinum?


Where is barboch in Pokemon platinum?

You can catch it almost anywhere, but you need the good rod to catch it.

Where do you get an old rod in Pokemon platinum?

You get the old rod to the left of jubilife city.

Where can you catch a ramoraid in Pokemon platinum?

The route right before sunnyshore city you have to catch it with a super or good rod

How do you interact with a feebas in platinum?

You can catch one using the super rod in mt. cornet.

Where can you catch a staru on Pokemon platinum?

You can use a super rod at sunyshore city where Jasmine is.

Can you catch feebas with a old rod?


Where do you get the old rod in Pokemon Platinum?

West of jubilife city.

What building is old rod on platinum?

The old rod is useless, unless you want a Magikarp or a Feebas.The building is on Route 218.