Depends on which game your playing... If your playing DPPt it increases the power of special moves. If your playing RBY, GSC, RSE or FRLG it increases the power of moves whose types are classed as special (fire, water, psychic, dark, ect.)
Have you ever wondered what natures do in Pokemon's? If you don't know what they do, they raise a Pokemon's stat and lower another one of it's stats. these are all the natures: Attack raising natures Lonely- lowers defense Brave- lowers speed Adamant- lowers Sp. Attack Naughty- lowers Sp. Defense Defense raising natures Relaxed- lowers speed Impish- lowers special attack Bold- lowers attack Lax- lowers special defense speed raising natures Jolly- lowers Sp. attack Timid- lowers attack Hasty- lowers defense Naive- lowers Sp. defense Sp. attack raising natures Modest- lowers attack Quiet- lowers speed Mild- lowers defense Rash- lowers Sp. defense Sp. defense raising natures gentle- lowers attack sassy- lowers speed careful- lowers Sp. attack calm- lowers attack Also there are natures that have no effect on stats. They are pretty useless, unless an arceus has one or if the wild pokemon's stats are good and don't need the nature. natures that don't effect stats: Hardy, Serious, Docile, Bashful, and Quirky. Well, I hope this helped a lot. by Chester P.S. Regular Show rules!!!
Lv 20 but you must have attack=speed or defence=attack or sp attack=....uh...I forgot however search Pokemon facts on Google to find out more.
Special defense is resistant to special attacks Like flamethrower is a special attack And your pokemon has a high special defense then it should resist it.
Well, Roselia has pretty decent Sp. Attack EV's, so try just west of Mauvile.
Howl raises Attack Swords Dance sharply raises Attack Metal Claw-10% chance of raising Attack Meteor Mash-10% chance of raising attack Medidate-raises Attack Calm Mind-Sp. Attack (and Sp. Defence) Nasty Plot-sharply raises Sp. Attack Dragon Dance- Raises attack and speed Ancient Power-10% chance to Raise All Stats Silver Wind-10% chance to Raise All Stats
Sp. Attack is non-physical moves, where the pokemon do not make contact with each other.
Sp attack is Special Attack. The greater a Pokemon's special attack the more damage will be done when using a special attack. If you go into a Pokemon's summary screen and look at the moves screen and select them with the stylus the red and yellow symbol is a physical attack and the purple wave looking one denotes a special attack.
A status is saying you're using an attack that uses attack, defense, speed, sp. attack, or sp. defence stats or deals with burn, paralysis,sleep,poison, and confusion.( Not frozen because no attack can get your opponents Pokemon frozen if you have luck with an ice attack).
Magikarp has the lowest base special stat with it's sp. attack at 15 and sp. defense at 20.
It faints the Pokemon using it but sharply lowers the enemy's attack and Sp. attack. I would recommend it on a Pokemon unless battling high level Pokemon.
Crawdaunt is a Water and Dark type pokemon.
U must have (One for battle hall) Pokemon with good attacks, good defense and Sp. defense and very high hp, attack and Sp. attack
In Pokemon frlg rse dppt and hgss the soul dew raises the sp attack and sp defence of latias or latios when held
Plusle has higher sp attack while minun has higher sp defense. It's now up to your opinion
No, it only increases the amount of experience points obtained by the infected Pokemon. *Experience values (Attack, Defence, Sp. Attack, Sp. Defence and Speed)
attack but lowers sp def
Oshawott or Tepig. Oshawott is balanced with a bit more Sp attack, while tepig has no speed or defenses, but AWESOME ATTACK. Oshawott: Good for beginners