get TYROGUE higher defense to evolve into HITMONLEE or higher attack for HITMONCHAN and it evolves at LVL.20
At night it will evolve into hitmonlee and at day it will become hitmonchan
Tyrogue evolves at Level 20. If its Attack stat is higher than its Defense stat, it'll evolve into Hitmonlee. If the Defense stat is higher than the Attack stat, it'll evolve into Hitmonchan. If the stats are equal, Tyrogue will evolve into a Hitmontop.
it will evolve at lvl 25
A Tyrogue will evolve at Level 20. If its Attack stat is stronger than its Defense stat, it will evolve into a Hitmonlee. If its Attack stat is weaker than its Defense stat, it will evolve into a Hitmonchan. If its Attack stat equals its Defense stat, it will evolve into a Hitmontop.
get TYROGUE higher defense to evolve into HITMONLEE or higher attack for HITMONCHAN and it evolves at LVL.20
It won't. If you want a tyrogue to evolve into hitmonlee it's attack must be higher than it's defense at lvl 20.
tyrogue evolves at lvl. 20. if atck and defnce r same- hitmontop. atck higher- hitmonchan atck lower- hitmonlee
Hitmonchan does not evolve into anything. It evolves from Tyrogue on level 20, if Tyrogue's Defense is higher than its Attack.
He doesn't evolve,you have to evolve tyrogue
At night it will evolve into hitmonlee and at day it will become hitmonchan
Tyrogue evolves at Level 20. If its Attack stat is higher than its Defense stat, it'll evolve into Hitmonlee. If the Defense stat is higher than the Attack stat, it'll evolve into Hitmonchan. If the stats are equal, Tyrogue will evolve into a Hitmontop.
lvl 30 no it does not evolve at lvl 30 i have a lickitonge at lvl 30 it did not evolve
it will evolve at lvl 25
No, but you can catch and evolve one from a tyrogue. tyrogue's are rare, found on route 211 with a poke radar and evolve at level 20.
You need to evolve Hitmonlee from Tyrogue. To do that, Tyrogue must have a higher attack than defense stat once he reaches level 20. If that is the case, he will evolve into a Hitmonlee.Evolve Tyrogue when A>D (whatever that means)
level 20.