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From what I've read, The Pokemon Games came out first.

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The Game, Originally released in Japan. It influenced the TV series and further games.

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Q: What came first the Pokemon show or game?
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How did they come up Pokemon cards and show?

The cards came out first. Then the TV show. Then the video game.

What came first in Pokemon the show the game or the ma?

show 2nd: Actually, no. The games came first. Then the manga came based off the games, and then the anime came in based off the mix of the two, without the violence in the manga.

Which was made first Pokemon or digimon?

Pokemon was first released in japan in 1996 as gameboy games. Then it came to America in 1998. Digimon was first released in Japan in 1998 as a tamanochi based game. Then it came to America in 1999. Witch means Pokemon came first.

What came first Pokemon tv or Pokemon books?

The game. @_@If you're talking just about those two, the books are simply TV episodes written down. So, the TV show.

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there to show where you just came from

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Viva Pinata was produced for xbox 360 first. The show came shortly thereafter. The first show was called - A Horstacio of a different colour.

What came first in Pokemon the show the game or the manga?

Contrary to popular belief, the games were first. The manga, anime, toys etc. all followed after the games became explosively popular. Source: wikipedia

What Pokemon series came first in the TVs show?

It was simply "Pokemon." The opening episode has ash just barely getting his first ever pokemon, who hates him. Go to It was on there last I checked.

Pokemon Vs Bakugan Who Came First?

The television show Bakugan Battle Brawlers is produced in Japan and was initially a failure there. However in the United States this show caught popularity and two other seasons of Bakugan were created.

What was the first Pokemon Pikachu or ballbasaur?

the Pokemon TV show was based on the game, so bulbasaur would have come before pikachu.

Which card game was made first Yu-Gi-Oh or Pokemon?

Well. Pokemon came around in 1996. And the Manga to Yu-Gi-Oh! came in 1996 as well. But the Yu-Gi-Oh! tv show and playing cards came around in about 1998. (Depending on where you look. Some sources say 1997) So officially they were created at the same time.

Where did pokemon come from?

If you mean in real life they came from Japan.the show game from japan also so it sucked though but others enjoyed