Start a new world then go to the button directly under where you name the worl and click on it until it says creative.
You need the single player commands mod. Then you type /gamemode 1. This will change your survival world to creative. To put it back use /gamemode 0.
Build the map on Creative Mode then go to and upload your level.dat for the map on the Change Survival to Creative option. You should then download the new level.dat. Replace it with the old level.dat and when you start Minecraft, you should see that it is now a survival map.
If you mean Minecraft Classic, this is not possible. Minecraft classic is only meant for building, not survival. If you want to have survival, you'd have to buy the full version. To change day to night in Minecraft premium (full), as of 1.3 the command prompt was added to single-player so issue the command /time set night.
(this only works if you have singleplayer commands or if your a mod or up in a multiplayer server) /gamemode (name here) (1 for creative 0 for survival) ex: /gamemode blabla34 1 creative or to switch from survival to creative and back just do: /gm
If you are the server owner (or can get the owners to change game mode or just yours) you can switch it to creative mode in the server conf file or by command in game by and op. otherwise a server in survival mode is staying in survival mode.
Currently, there is no way to change your game mode in a game (In the Pocket Edition). The default world will put you in survival, but you can make it a creative world by taping the Gamemode button.
You need the single player commands mod. Then you type /gamemode 1. This will change your survival world to creative. To put it back use /gamemode 0.
Build the map on Creative Mode then go to and upload your level.dat for the map on the Change Survival to Creative option. You should then download the new level.dat. Replace it with the old level.dat and when you start Minecraft, you should see that it is now a survival map.
They are the admins of the server. They can kick, ban, mute, change the time of day, switch from creative to survival or survival to creative, and have more control over the server than regular users.
To change games modes in Minecraft Pocket Edition, go to edit world and tap survival or creative
In a server, /gamemode steve 1 TMI, just click le button
The only way is to change the game mode to Survival by doing /gamemode 0 or for Adventure, /gamemode 2
If you are in the gamemode creative, then no mobs will attack you. To change this (assuming you have cheats enabled), you must change your gamemode to survival or adventure. To do so, type in "/gamemode survival" without quotations and including the /.
If you mean Minecraft Classic, this is not possible. Minecraft classic is only meant for building, not survival. If you want to have survival, you'd have to buy the full version. To change day to night in Minecraft premium (full), as of 1.3 the command prompt was added to single-player so issue the command /time set night.
(this only works if you have singleplayer commands or if your a mod or up in a multiplayer server) /gamemode (name here) (1 for creative 0 for survival) ex: /gamemode blabla34 1 creative or to switch from survival to creative and back just do: /gm
If you are the server owner (or can get the owners to change game mode or just yours) you can switch it to creative mode in the server conf file or by command in game by and op. otherwise a server in survival mode is staying in survival mode.
There is no app you download to change your current gamemode in a world in Minecraft: Pocket Edition. Once you select a gamemode for a world, that is your permanent mode, you can't change it around.