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Depends on its nature

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Q: What berries does riolu like?
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What level does Riolu evovle?

certain berries.

What are riolu favorite berry?

A Pokemon likes berries based on natures, not species.

What is Riolu's favourite berry?

Berries that increase EVs, such as the Tomato Berry, will help it be happier and evolve sooner.

What level does riolu evolve into Lucario?

Riolu evolves if it is at maximum happiness and levels up (at any level) during the day time.Riolu evolves with maximum friendship in Pokemon Heartgold.

How do you make riolu happy and evolve it in Pokemon white version?

Riolu's friendship must be at least 220 as it's max happiness base stat is 225 and you must level riolu up during the day. The possible ways to do this are:Give riolu a soothe bell.Keep riolu in the lead of your party and fight battles with it without having it faint for it decreases happiness.Making riolu learn TM moves which I would advise to refrain from doing.Giving riolu a massage in the Ribbon SyndicateLastly, feeding riolu certain berries

What level does Riolu evolve at on Pokemon White?

It evolves out of happiness, not level. So, fight with it a lot, give it berries, massages, etc

Is Rioru Japanese for Riolu?

No. Rioru is merely a typo or a trick. Riolu's Japanese name is actually Riolu like every other language.

Can you breed riolu?

No. Riolu is classified as "No Egg Group." However, you can evolve it and breed it with Field or Human-Like pokemon.

Do riolu have eggs?

Riolu is considered a 'baby' Pokemon like Smoochum, and Pichu. It cannot breed until it evolves.

How do you evolve riolo?

Riolu has to really really like you

When does riloh evolve in platinum?

do u mean riolu if so then yes he does evolve. all you have to do is make his happiness to 210-255. this can be done by feeding him certain berries and poffins.

How do you make riolu like me?

give it a soothe bell, give it a massage, don't let it faint in battle. (Riolu evolves through Friendship).