Okay simple and easy look at the stats on every troop available
like some people say swordsman beat archers but swords are costly to make and take a long time
In my own personall opnion the person with the most warriors will most likely win because there cheap to make and fast also so say you have like 30k arhcers coming your way depending on the amoun t of warriors you have your good i usally carry around 1mil in my main city and 300k in my other cities also not doubting the archers its good to have a good number around you about 300k-500k
Alliance ~4Told~
yes u can download desktop evony
No there isnt. There are no type of cheats in evony. The site is cheat-proof. P.S. I wish there was a money generator for evony also.
There are no evony cheats. There might be some on youtube, but they do not work
resources yes items no
you have to work for evony
Evony happened in 2009.
Evony age II is now out.
yes u can download desktop evony
It's not on evony
You buy coins from them or get a membership from evony
You can't end an Evony account, but you can be inactive.
No there isnt. There are no type of cheats in evony. The site is cheat-proof. P.S. I wish there was a money generator for evony also.
There are no evony cheats. There might be some on youtube, but they do not work
The age for evony is mostly for preteens and up. For logging in you need an email.
There is currently no way to sell items on Evony.
resources yes items no
you have to work for evony