in heartgold master soulsilver bring a water Pokemon and use a water type move on it.then use a ultra ball.bring lots of ultra balls and dusk balls.
In Pokemon Gold, after the player defeats Team Rocket and obtains a Rainbow Wing, Professor Elm will give the player a Master Ball. The Master Ball has a one hundred percent capture rate.
master ball. but save it if you want it to use it on entei or raioku which run in the wild
Yes, although it depends on your luck. Any Pokemon can be caught with any ball - this includes catching legendaries in a regular Poke Ball.
Master ball or timer ball. Ultra balls aren't very effective against legendary.
Yes,but you must have at least 999 fast balls and level 100 pokemon.[all of them]
you catch him with a master
Master Ball
No I caught him with a ultra ball.
either use a master ball or weaken it and use an ultra ball
you ensure that you catch the entei, but it will be harder to catch the ho-oh using ultra or other balls
Ultra Balls.
Yes just keep using them.
use master ball, ultra, or great usually, master ball is grater to catch Ho-Oh.
You are going to have to catch him! How you can catch him easily is use a Master Ball. It can catch him without fail (just as the definition says!)
Using a Great Ball is the best way. Actually a Ultra ball is the best way.
In Pokemon Gold, after the player defeats Team Rocket and obtains a Rainbow Wing, Professor Elm will give the player a Master Ball. The Master Ball has a one hundred percent capture rate.
Which ever ones you cant catch (or are to lazy to catch) with an ultra ball. I used it for ho-oh, since he was lv.70 and i couldn't get him with an ub