You need the Thunder Badge.
You don't need a badge to get strength but you need a badge to use strength and that badge is the rainbowbadge and that is the 4th one in celadon city.
you need to get the badge in fuschia city
It's badge 7
8th gym badge the water badge
In the movie Up, Russell's last badge was for assisting the elderly.
You need the Thunder Badge.
You don't need a badge to get strength but you need a badge to use strength and that badge is the rainbowbadge and that is the 4th one in celadon city.
you need to get the badge in fuschia city
Ride on Alan (the balloon) and you will get the mystery badge up up and away badge!
It's badge 7
8th gym badge the water badge
you need 50 for a badge then 200 for a super badge then 500 for a fliriffic badge hope it helped Chelsea xxx
Use surf to get there . But before Surfing to ever.grand city , you need finish all the gym . When u get there , u have to use waterfall to get up there , in order to use waterfall ,u need to the last gym badge ,RAIN BADGE .
You go to the dragon's den (you need surf for this) then you go up the gym and there will be a house up ahead and you have to fight the old guy in the back. After that the gym leader will come in and give you your badge.
The badge from Cianwood.
To make a badge, First you need 10C :)