Vinny Testeverde(former nfl football quarterback), Vince Carter(basktetball), Victor Zambrano, Victor Martinez, Victor Koslav, Vinny Castillo, Vince Young
Edward Elric
they are all sluts
Pokémon names starting with the letter V:VanillishVanilluxeVanilliteVaporeonVenipedeVenomothVenonatVenusaurVespiquenVibravaVictiniVictreebelVigorothVileplumeVirizionVolbeatVolcaronaVoltorbVullabyVulpix
V- The Series.
Australia will send 425 athletes to participate in the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi
Victor, Vincent, Vicky, Vanessa.
Edward Elric
they are all sluts
Pokémon names starting with the letter V:VanillishVanilluxeVanilliteVaporeonVenipedeVenomothVenonatVenusaurVespiquenVibravaVictiniVictreebelVigorothVileplumeVirizionVolbeatVolcaronaVoltorbVullabyVulpix
An example of an acid starting with "v" is vinegar (acetic acid), while an example of a base starting with "v" is vanadium pentoxide.
Vlad the Impaler a.k.a Dracula
There are a few movies stars that have a name starting with V like Vanessa Williams, Victoria Wood, Vivian Vance.
All of the pope's names starting with the letter "A: are: * Adeodatus * Adrian I, II, III, IV, V, and VI * Agapetus I and II * Agatho * Alexander I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII * Anacletus * Anastasius I, II, III, and IV * Anicetus * Anterus