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they are all sluts

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Q: What are the names of all popes starting with letter v?
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What are the names of 6 popes starting with letter a?

All of the pope's names starting with the letter "A: are: * Adeodatus * Adrian I, II, III, IV, V, and VI * Agapetus I and II * Agatho * Alexander I, II, III, IV, V, VI, and VII * Anacletus * Anastasius I, II, III, and IV * Anicetus * Anterus

Are there popes that are not named?

No, the Church has had 266 popes (as of 2013) and all have had names.

What are the popes' names and where are they from?

For a complete list of all the popes and their birth places, click here.

What were the popes' names before they became popes?

The list is too large to publish here so click here for where you can find a list of all the popes and their birth names.

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Where is there info on the popes?

Click on this linkfor a complete list of all popes. You can click on the individual names for a biography of each pope.

All names of actors starting with the letter i?

There are a lot of actors names starting with I. Some of them are Ian Kelly, Ian Hunter, Ida Waterman, and India Allen.

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What are the names of famous people with first names starting with the letter w?

Wilbur wright William shakespeare willy wonka will smith that's all i can think of right now:)

How are popes named?

The newly elected pope chooses what name he wishes to be known by during his reign. He does not have to choose a new name. He is free to use is Baptismal name.

What do all all genus names begin with?

All genus names begin with a capital letter. All specific names begin with a lowercase letter. Usually both words are underlined or italicized.