You can find pikachu all over the safari zone as i have caught one while cycling all over the safari zone you just have to look hard the level they are on is 25 or 27
Pikachu can be found in the first area of the safari zone.
Exclusively found in Area 2 of the Safari Zone. Note that Houndoom is not available in Ruby or Sapphire - only Emerald.
To find Pikachu, enter the Safari Zone and go directly to the left. Like just keep going left until there's no more road. Then look around the patch around that area until a Pikachu shows up. Seeing how it's rare it'll take a while
Answer:Pikachu is in the Safari Zone. Go ahead and save game before you enter, so if you don't catch it before your time is up, you won't have to pay again and again.Pikachu is in the very first grassy area, it's just super rare. You can stand in one spot and make your character turn in circles to make encounters without using any steps, OR you can get on you Bike and hold B. It makes you jump constantly and will induce an encounter without using steps.IMPORTANT: When you DO catch your Pikachu, leave and save your game AT ONCE. I made the mistake of sticking around in the Safari Zone to catch more (you can't save game inside the zone) and I dropped my Gameboy and it reset... I lost my Pikachu and am trying to catch another.*that (above) works perfectly! i literally spent a half hour trying to catch the pikachu, but when i went into the first grassy area, got on my acro bike, and held B, the first Pokemon i got was a pikachu! thanks so much!** to make it a little easier just put an electric type Pokemon as your first Pokemon and pikachu will apear more often If you mean "how do you catch pikachu?" then go to the safari zone and after a while of walking through one will appear, usually level 27, its really irratating but hey. And as you are probably aware, they evolve to raichu using a thunderstone.Hope that helped!
this is simple. to get to safari zone area 2, just go to the beginning area with the trolleys, and read the sign near them. If one says safari zone 2, then ride it and you will be in that area.
Pikachu can be found in the first area of the safari zone.
IT is in the safari area near lilcove city
in the safari zone, i caught mine in the first area of grass. be warned though, they take forever to find. and plusle and minum aren't really related to pikachu, although they are sorta the same.
You can catch one in the safari zone in the northwest area.
When you first walk into the safari zone stay in the grass in that area pikachu can appear every now and again.
In Pokemon Sapphire, you can find Venonat in the Safari Zone. It can be found in the Grass patch area of the Safari Zone during specific times. It has a 5% encounter rate.
Go to the safari zone you can find it in the area you first go to.
in the left side of the safari zone, where you need the MACH bike, there is Pinsar this is the Pokemon that you can get there, the equivalent to the other area is phanphy.
Safari Zone - the area where you need an Acro Bike to get to.
You can find Pikachu in the Safari Zone just west of Lilycove City. It's kinda rare, so you gotta have patience. Hope this helps.... (edit) You can catch a low level Pikachu in the Viridian Forest also
When you win Elite 4 and the Champion Wallace/Steven.
In POKeMON Sapphire, you get Phanpy from the Safari Zone. You have to use your Acro bike to get to the area though.. :LHarrieB