Auburn, auction, audio, audit, august, aunt, austere, austerity, author, authority, authorize, auto, autopsy, autumn and auxiliary are words. They begin with the letters AU.
Some 4 letter words with 'au' in the middle:FauxHaulMaulTautSee the related link for a full list.
autumn author fault sauce Australia Astronaut launch cause
Compound words that start with fan:fanfarefanfoldfanglikefantailfantasyland
Some words that start with 'tre' are:treacherytreacletreadtreadletreasuretreattreatytreetrektrellistrembletremendoustremortrenchtrendtrepidationtrespass
Some words that contain "aw" are: dawn, draw, saw. Some words that contain "au" are: author, fault, haunt.
Some words with 'au' in them are maul, caul, cauliflower, caterwaul, aubergine, caught, taught, flautist...
Some words with "au" and a short "a" sound are: laugh, sausage, laundry, fraud.
Au revoir
One example of a long "a" word spelled with "au" is "faucet."
Australia Austria
Some 4 letter words with 'au' in the middle:FauxHaulMaulTautSee the related link for a full list.
Difficult one... Au titian Midas touch Yellowish brown ... Off the top of my head. Not very good but may start others thinking.
Australia, Austria, Australian, Au jus (sauce), audacity, automobile, autism, autumn, auburn.