

Best Answer

I would think words ending in:

th, sh ng st ct ck LL ss zz

words ending with double consonants:

  • all, aimless, address, add
  • bluff, bell, bass, butt, buzz
  • cuff, call, caress, cross, class
  • dress, dull, dill, doll, dryness
  • ebb, endless, express, err
  • fluff, fall, floss, firmness, fuzz
  • guess, gruff, gall, gross, gladness
  • huff, hall, hostess, hopeless
  • ill, illness
  • jumpiness, joyless, jazz
  • kindness, kill
  • loss, likeness
  • mutt, mass, mess, miss, moss, mall, muff, mitt
  • null, newness, nameless
  • odd, off, oppress
  • pill, puff, pass, putt, pointless, pettiness
  • quell, quietness
  • rebuff, roll, regress, refill
  • staff, stiff, stuff, sell, sass,
  • tariff, tall, tell, toss, tigress, timeless, tightness
  • useless
  • voiceless
  • wall, well, will, waitress
  • yell
  • zaniness
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