Agudas (Ashkenazic) or Agudat (Sephardic) is a Hebrew word meaning association. It is a common word in the names of Jewish congregations.
You can follow the link, below, and discover under different circumstances, which words are the longest English words.
Negative words are words deemed by culture to be negative. Things like insults, slang words, and curse words are negative. It could also apply to English, and mean words like 'not', 'never', etc.
34 words (not including single letter words)
Words that can be made from the letters in 'season's greetings' are:aageagentairanangerantareasassassetassignassistatateatoneeagereareaseeastEastereasterneateatereggengineensignentereonerasegaggainganggangstergasgategeargetgingingergistgnatgogoatgoregorgegotgraingrantgrassgrategreasegreatgreengreetgringristgritgrossIignoreininninsetintegerionirateireironisitragragerainraiseranrangrangerangerratraterationreasonregainregionresinrestringriseriteroastroeroserotesagsagesanesasssatsatinseasearseasoningseatseeseerseniorsensorsessionsetsignsignetsinsinesingsingesirsiresirensistersitesnoresoarsonsongstagestaggerstainstairstarestatesteerstingstorestrainstressstringtagtanteatearteaseteententennistigertintinetotoetontootoretorntraintreattree
The two words located at the top of each dictionary page are called guide words. Guide words help a user locate words more easily in the dictionary by indicating that words on each page will fall between the guide words alphabetically.
Agudas Chasidei Chabad was created in 1924.
Agudas Achim Synagogue was created in 1922.
Library Of Agudas Chassidei Chabad was created in 1992.
agudas is the ashkenazic pronunciation of the Hebrew word agudat, which means "society of"
Esquinas Agudas - 1999 is rated/received certificates of: Portugal:M/12
The cast of Esquinas Agudas - 1999 includes: Marina Albuquerque
Milton Guran has written: 'Agudas'
The word "cabeza" is a llana word in Spanish.
Canasta es una palabra llana, o grave.Las palabras agudas se acentúan en la última sílaba (ej., hincapié).Las palabras graves/llanas se acentúan en la penúltima sílaba (ej., canasta).Las palabras esdrújulas se acentúan en la antepenúltima sílaba (ej., lámpara).Las palabras sobreesdrújulas, como probablemente puedas adivinar, se acentúan como trágicamente, muéstramelo.Palabras esdrújulas y sobreesdrújulas siempre llevan tilde (áéíóú). Palabras agudas pueden llevar tilde (ej., autobús) o no (ej., doctor), igual que las graves (ej., silla, ángel).Canasta is a llana, or grave, word.Aguda words are accented on the last syllable (e.g., hincapié).Grave/llana words are accented on the next to last (penultimate) syllabe (e.g., canasta).Esdrújula words are accented on the third-to-last syllable (ej., lámpara).Sobreesdrújula words, as you can probably guess, are accented like trágicamente, muéstramelo.Esdrújula and sobreesdrújula words always have a written accent (áéíóú). Aguda words may have one (ej., autobús) or they may not (ej., doctor), just like grave words (ej., silla, ángel).
The stress mark in Spanish is called a "tilde" and is placed on the stressed syllable of a word. The rules for placing the stress mark vary depending on the type of word (agudas, llanas, esdrújulas), but generally, you'll find them in words that don't follow the standard rules of stress placement or to differentiate between homonyms.
The Hebrew phrase "agudas achim" translates to "brotherhood" or "association of brothers" in English. The term "agudas" means "association" or "union," while "achim" means "brothers." Therefore, when combined, the phrase signifies a group or organization of individuals who share a bond of brotherhood or kinship.
las agudas que terminan en vocal, n ó s: cantó, camión, aprenderás...las llanas que no terminan ni en vocal, ni en n ni en s: cárcel, mártir, dólar...las esdrújulas: todas. Médico, lámpara, cuadrilátero...