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Q: What are word has pound in it and starts with op?
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Where is pound farm stables?


Is op a word?

Yes. Op is an acceptable Scrabble word.

Is op a scrabble word?

Yes. Op is an acceptable Scrabble word.

What equals 240 OP in a P?

old pence in the pound

Farmville co op starts at what level?

Farmville Co-op starts at level 20 and allows you to join to together with you friends to grow a certain crop. If you and your friends are fast enough you will get some kind of prize!

Is op a legal word?


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How do you abbreviate the word 'opportunity'?


Is op a legal scrabble word?


What are the syllables in opposite?

The first O is short and the I is short. The second O is a schwa and the final E is silent. (op-uh-zit)

Why is the word pound written pound?

lb originates from the Latin word Libra, meaning pound.

What is the prefix for operate?

Oper is the prefix. There is no suffix. Able is the root word.