Yes. Op is an acceptable Scrabble word.
Yes, it's a valid Scrabble word.
Yes. Ox is a legal Scrabble word.
Yes. Favor is a legal Scrabble word.
The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary does not list fo as a legal Scrabble word.
Yes. Op is an acceptable Scrabble word.
Yes. Op is an acceptable Scrabble word.
Yes, it's a valid Scrabble word.
Yes. Ox is a legal Scrabble word.
Yes. Favor is a legal Scrabble word.
The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary does not list agem as a legal Scrabble word..
Yes. At is a legal Scrabble word.
The Official Scrabble Players Dictionary does not list fo as a legal Scrabble word.
No. Ms is not a legal Scrabble word.
No. Rejoint is not a legal Scrabble word.
No. Geux is not a legal Scrabble word.