They are the currency of Karambja when you access a store there they don't charge Tokkul or Gold Pieces, instead the accept only trading sticks, only way to get these is if you do jobs for them around the area.
You can either kill jogres and loot them, or just buy them from players or the grand exchange.
The only way to get any runescape gold is through the game itself. This is due to the fact that buying Runescape gold is illegal due to real-world trading laws.
giving away/trading accounts is against runescape's rules... please do not break these rules, just make your own account...
You spend Zeal at soul wars by Trading Nomad near the Soul Wars bank.
Much of the trading in RuneScape is done via the Grand Exchange. Go there, and talk to the Grand Exchange Tutor, to get started. It is also possible to right-click on a player, select "Trade", then exchange items with that player.
Trading sticks - Part of Tai Bwo Wannai Cleanup Mini-game ( Karambja )
You can either kill jogres and loot them, or just buy them from players or the grand exchange.
Bronze dragons can be located at Brimhaven dungeon ( Karambja ).You will need around 150 Trading stick to enter this place, and trading sticks can be earned at Tai-bwo-wannai doing jobs.
Karambja Jungle, near Tai Bwo Wannai Village, you will need your own axe plus 100 Trading Sticks to enter.
Trading characters in RuneScape is NOT allowed. Yup, it's against the rules so do it as much as you can!!!!! muahahahahaha!!!
These don't exist on Runescape.
Real world trading can get you banned.
Trading RuneScape accounts is against the rules of RuneScape. Please build up your own account.Trading RuneScape accounts is against the rules of RuneScape. Please build up your own account.Trading RuneScape accounts is against the rules of RuneScape. Please build up your own account.Trading RuneScape accounts is against the rules of RuneScape. Please build up your own account.
No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, No, and NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trading accounts is against the rulebook and will get you banned.
No one will give you a runescape account, besides it is against Jagex's rules and will lead to you and your account getting banned.
Account trading is specifically prohibited in the RuneScape rules.