triangle, trireme, trial, trick, tribe, trigonal, trigger, trimester, triple, triplet, tribune, trim, trivial, triumph
tripodtricycletrialtripletriathlontriangletriptricktricycle, triceratops, triathalon, tripod.
tripod triangle trigonometry triple triphasic
There are words that Begin with the prefix tri- like: Triangle, Tripod, Tricycle, and Triceratops
X-rayXenonXeroxSince the question asked for "three-letter" words beginning with "X", how about "xis"?
Tricycle trisep triplet
tripodtricycletrialtripletriathlontriangletriptricktricycle, triceratops, triathalon, tripod.
Tri, three, group, few, tripod
tricycle, triangle, triangular, trivia, trillion, tricep, triacid, triatomic, tri-city
Tri means having three. It is used in words like triangle that has three sides and triplets which is when three babies are born at one time to the same parents.
Some three letter words beginning with D are:diddogdoediedendindabduodotdigdrydye
Three: tricycle, triangleThree WheelsThree angles
tripod triangle trigonometry triple triphasic
The first three words of the Bible are "In the beginning."
A three sided shape is a triangle because of the beginning tri . Just remember it like a tricycle which has 4 wheels.
TRI-angle, TRI-ceratops, TRI-cicle. See. Tri means three, and all of these things have three things on them. Triceratops has three horns, triangle has three angles, and tricicle has three wheels.