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Q: What do words that begin with tri- have in common?
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What are some words that have the prefix tri?

There are words that Begin with the prefix tri- like: Triangle, Tripod, Tricycle, and Triceratops

List several words that begin with tri and give their meanings?


Words that begin with tri?

Some words that begin with tri [as a prefix] include: 1.trillion 2.triathlon 3.triceratops 4.trilogy 5.triangle 6.tripod 7.triad

What words begin with tri?

triple, tricycle, triathlon, triangle, trimonthly, trilogy, tricolor, triceratops, tri-state area,

What are some some words that begin with the letters TRI?

Here are some words that begin with the letters TRI: triad trim trite trill tribe Trix trick tricky tricks trims trips trip triple triable triathlon trilogy triangle tried trier trio triode tricycle

What compound words start with tri?

Tri Pod Cycle

Is Tri- greek or Latin?

Both. Latin and Greek inherited their words for "three" from a common ancestor (known as Proto-Indo-European), and in both languages "three" shows up as tri- in compounds. Examples:"triathlon" (from Greek): tri- + athlon"contest""trident" (from Latin): tri- + dens "tooth"

What words have to meanings?

tri tripod

Words that have the prefix tri?

tricycle trinomial tridium triangle tri triangular trial triple

Words starting with bi or tri?


Words with the prefix tri?

triangle, trim,